How Long Is the Recovery Time for Rhinoplasty Surgery?
Rhinoplasty is a sensitive procedure that can enhance the appearance of your nose. It may improve breathing functions in the area as well. Double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Joseph Tamburrino at Tamburrino Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Doylestown, PA is proud to provide rhinoplasty services to people throughout the city and in Montgomery and Bucks Counties.
You may be concerned about how long it takes to recover from rhinoplasty. Typically, it will take a few weeks for the bones in the nasal area to heal after the procedure, but it can also take up to a year for everything to fully recover. You can make the recovery process work a little faster if you follow the proper tips.
The general timeframe for rhinoplasty recovery
The recovery timeframe for rhinoplasty surgery entails a few points:
- The internal dressings from the procedure are removed about 3 – 7 days after the surgery.
- You’ll require a splint in your nose for about a week after the internal dressings are removed. There should be no noticeable signs after the splint is removed.
- Most of the bruising and swelling should be resolved about two weeks after the procedure. It will be safe to resume daily living activities at this point.
- You can rest your eyeglasses or sunglasses on your nose about a month after the surgery. Cheek rests may be necessary for keeping your glasses in place before then.
- The bones will become stable about six weeks after the surgery. You can return to regular exercise activities at this point.
- It takes about 3 – 6 months for the area around the nose to stop feeling numb.
- Swelling will disappear about 6 – 12 months after the surgery. Your nose’s new shape will be easy to distinguish at this point.
Tips for speeding up the recovery process
The timeframe for recovery may seem daunting, but Dr. Tamburrino has a few recommendations for you to use to keep the recovery process from taking so long:
- Consume a fiber-rich diet to keep you from having to strain. Straining due to constipation can trigger pressure on the face.
- Avoid expressing significant facial expressions, as some movements, like laughing or smiling, can add pressure to the nose.
- Avoid excess heat around the nose. Heat can cause swelling in the area.
- Do not smoke, as nicotine can prevent blood from flowing in the area. It becomes harder for the body to heal itself if its blood flow is restricted.
- Get enough rest each night. Proper rest is necessary for your health, as it influences your body’s natural ability to heal itself. Get about 7 – 8 hours of sleep each night for the best results.
The best thing to do is listen to your doctor’s requests for what you can do after the procedure. Your doctor can provide actionable and useful info on how to manage your nasal area. You can also receive answers to specific questions you have surrounding the treatment process.
Where can I find more information on rhinoplasty recovery in the Doylestown, PA area?
Contact our expert team at Tamburrino Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Doylestown, PA for more information on how rhinoplasty surgery can work wonders for your life. The effort will be worthwhile, as you will feel confident about yourself and have an easier time breathing from your nasal passages. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Joseph Tamburrino today.